Dry Needling

Dry Needling in Fremont, CA – The 7 Things You Should Know

Dry needling has become increasingly popular as an effective way to treat a wide variety of issues. Many healthcare providers and sports teams recommend dry needling to help various musculoskeletal and chronic pain conditions.

Unlike traditional acupuncture, which is rooted in ancient Chinese medicine, dry needling focuses on stimulating trigger points in muscles to alleviate pain and improve functional aspects of movement and strength.

As with any procedure, we believe in education around the specifics of dry needling performed by licensed acupuncturists. Understanding this treatment option will help our patients determine if dry needling is the right solution for their needs and wellness goals.

1. What is Dry Needling?

Dry Needling in Fremont CADry needling involves the insertion of thin, solid needles into specific trigger points or tight bands within muscles. These trigger points are often the cause of pain, reduced range of motion, loss of strength, or reduced speed of movement in the involved area of the body.  This inhibition can impact other parts of the body and create chronic pain if not addressed and corrected.

By targeting these points, dry needling focuses on releasing muscle tension, improving blood flow, and promoting healing. Dry needling at Revive Acupuncture Clinic begins with us first sharing information on the process and taking the time to answer your questions before we get started. The procedure typically involves the acupuncturist identifying the trigger points through a concise evaluation followed by inserting one or more acupuncture needles into the area to elicit a twitch response or muscle relaxation.  The effect will be re-evaluated after the procedure to assess the immediate benefit.

There is no downtime or recovery, and you can go back to work or about your day without any concerns.

2. The Importance of Licensed Acupuncturists

Choosing a licensed acupuncturist in Fremont for dry needling is essential. Specific members of our team have undergone advanced training and are certified to offer this treatment option to our patients.

Acupuncturists undergo extensive education in acupuncture and health. This training includes anatomy, physiology, and clinical practice, as well as the holistic approach that differentiates the Eastern and Western approaches to treatment. This training ensures a comprehensive understanding of the human body and the precise techniques for safe and effective needling.  Our team of acupuncturists performing dry needling has undergone even further training in orthopedics and sports performance treatments to treat a large array of conditions with this particular medical modality.

3. The Benefits of Dry Needling

Dry needling provides numerous benefits, particularly when performed by our skilled acupuncturists. These benefits include:

  • Pain Relief – dry needling is highly effective in alleviating pain associated with conditions such as back pain, neck pain, and migraines. Targeting trigger points helps to reduce muscle tightness and inflammation, leading to significant pain reduction.
  • Improved Muscle Function – this procedure improves muscle function by releasing tightness and improving flexibility and strength. This can be particularly beneficial for athletes and individuals recovering from injuries. It is also effective for those dealing with chronic pain issues.
  • Reduction of Muscle Tension – dry needling helps in releasing trigger points, which are hyperirritable spots in the muscle. Releasing these trigger points brings about muscle relaxation and pain reduction, often in one session.
  • Improved recovery – by promoting blood circulation and reducing muscle tightness, dry needling aids in faster recovery from injuries, allowing you to return to normal activities sooner.

4. When to Choose Dry Needling

Dry needling can effectively treat a variety of conditions. Working with our acupuncturist will determine if this is the best treatment modality for your concern. Some of the most common conditions treated with dry needling include:

  • Musculoskeletal pain – dry needling is commonly used for sports injuries, muscle strains, and joint pain, helping to alleviate discomfort and promote healing.
  • Chronic Pain Conditions – individuals suffering from chronic pain conditions such as chronic computer use pain or poor ergonomics that can cause pain in the neck, shoulder, and arm can feel much better with dry needling.  This also reduces the use of prescription or over-the-counter medications to attempt to control these symptoms.
  • Migraines and Headaches – dry needling is beneficial for many tension headaches, and migraine presentations by reducing muscle tension and improving circulation.
  • Post-surgical recovery, dry needling is a valuable tool providing a non-invasive option for pain management and restoration of muscle function in the area of surgery during the period of recovery.

5. The Difference Between Acupuncture Needles and Hypodermic Needles

Understanding the difference between acupuncture needles and hypodermic needles is crucial in appreciating the less invasive nature of dry needling. The following are important factors to consider.

Acupuncture needles are thin, solid, and flexible, designed specifically for insertion into the skin and muscles without causing significant pain or discomfort. Through the use of acupuncture needles, tiny insertions into the skin create positive results without any type of substance being injected.

On the other hand, hypodermic needles are thicker, hollow, and used for injections or drawing blood. They are designed to cut into the skin and deliver substances directly into the bloodstream, making them more invasive compared to acupuncture needles.

6. Why Choose a Licensed Acupuncturist for Dry Needling?

Choosing a licensed acupuncturist at Revive Acupuncture in Fremont for dry needling ensures safety, efficacy, and a holistic approach to patient care. This is critical for patient wellness and to ensure your treatment is provided to the highest standards.

Our licensed acupuncturists undergo extensive training, ensuring they are well-versed in both human anatomy and the precise techniques required for effective dry needling. This reduces the risk of complications and enhances the overall effectiveness of the treatment.

Licensed acupuncturists focus on the whole person in their treatment approach, addressing not only the presenting symptoms but also the underlying causes of pain and dysfunction. This comprehensive care can lead to more lasting and meaningful results and better outcomes, even with significant pain issues. Because we are extensively trained in traditional herbal formulas, as well as vitamins, supplements, and nutrition we can offer helpful recommendations for a person’s specific condition if wanted by the patient.

Patients who have used dry needling report finding significant relief to their issue with just a few sessions, often a noticeable improvement is seen even after the first treatment. Common benefits include improved mobility and reduced pain levels, with the added benefit of eliminating the side effects of over-the-counter and prescription pain medications.

7. What to Consider

Dry needling, when performed by our licensed acupuncturists, offers a safe and effective solution for various pain and musculoskeletal issues. Our acupuncturists’ extensive training and holistic approach ensure that our patients receive the best possible care, significantly improving pain relief, athletic performance, and overall well-being.

If you are experiencing discomfort or are interested in improving your athletic performance, contact Revive Acupuncture in Fremont, CA today for a Free Consultation to explore the benefits of dry needling. Our licensed acupuncturists are here to help you find relief and improve your quality of life.

Call (510) 438-0128 or click the button below to schedule your complimentary consultation today.

Book a session at Revive Acupuncture

New patients, please contact our clinic to schedule your 20-minute complimentary consultation. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your condition with a licensed acupuncturist without any obligation or cost. Call Revive Acupuncture at 510-438-0128 or click below.