Premature Ovarian Failure

Premature Ovarian Failure

Premature ovarian failure is a condition that affects 1% of women, and it is defined as loss of normal ovarian functioning before the age of 40. Premature ovarian failure is diagnosed when abnormally high FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) levels, and abnormally low estrogen levels are present. These out of range hormone levels indicate the ovaries have stopped responding to the pituitary hormone FSH, and this results in the ovaries either slowing, or ceasing their function of producing mature eggs and estrogen. The cause of premature ovarian failure is often unknown, although it may be induced from any of the following:

  • Genetic disorders
  • Autoimmunity
  • Toxin exposure such as from cigarettes, industrial chemicals, heavy metals, plastics, pesticides, and solvents
  • Infections
  • Anti-cancer treatment

Western treatment for premature ovarian failure is dependent on the level of severity the condition has reached. When the FSH and estrogen values have reached a menopausal level, and the menstrual cycle has become irregular or has ceased completely, there are not many Western fertility clinics who will offer treatment to support these women. Life IVF in Irvine, California is one of the few clinics that will help these women conceive.

For less progressed cases of premature ovarian failure, Western treatment focuses on stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple mature eggs in each cycle in hopes to find a good quality egg before the ovaries continue aging. Depending on the AMH or antral follicle count, the method of stimulating the ovaries may include the following:

  • Clomid or Letrazole with timed intercourse or IUI
  • Low dosed injectable fertility drugs with timed intercourse or IUI
  • Minimal stimulation IVF
  • Traditional IVF

Premature ovarian failure is diagnosed in Chinese medicine as a deficiency in the kidney energy of the body (not the actual kidney organ). The kidney energy corresponds to the Western description of genetics and epigenetics. As with genetics, the kidney energy is passed down from the mother and father’s combined kidney energy at the time of conception. With premature ovarian failure there may be a congenital weakness of the kidney energy, as is the case when the cause of premature ovarian failure is genetic in origin. In all other cases of premature ovarian failure
, there is some stimuli damaging the kidney energy. This parallels the epigenetics notion that gene expression can be affected by external stimuli.

At Revive Acupuncture, we use acupuncture, herbs, dietary recommendations, stress reducing techniques, and exercise recommendations to build and preserve kidney energy. Additionally, acupuncture used directly over the ovaries with electric stimulation encourages normal ovarian functioning and increased blood flow to the ovaries. There are many research studies that demonstrate acupuncture and Chinese herbs lower the hormone FSH, while increasing estrogen levels. For premature ovarian failure patients that are actively trying to conceive, acupuncture has been proven to improve pregnancy rates when used at implantation times.

We re-test the FSH and estrogen level every three months to monitor patient improvement and to ensure our treatments are effective. Additionally, we monitor improvements with menstrual cycle regularity, as a menstrual cycle with normal length typically indicates a better prognosis with premature ovarian failure. 

Book a session at Revive Acupuncture

New patients, please contact our clinic to schedule your 20-minute complimentary consultation. You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your condition with a licensed acupuncturist without any obligation or cost. Call Revive Acupuncture at 510-438-0128 or click below.