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Lack of sleep may accelerate aging
According to research, lack of sleep at night is associated with accelerated markers of aging. In

Beet, Watermelon Rind, Ginger Juice Shown to Improve IVF Pregnancy Rates
New research shows that a combination of beet, watermelon rind, and ginger juice taken around the

Digestion plays a bigger role in the body than you might realize
Does digestion affect fertility? Does digestion affect hormonal balance? Does digestion affect systemic inflammation The answer

Are phytoestrogens harmful to health? Definitely not.
Phytoestrogens have been mislabeled as estrogenic compounds in food that harm both male and female health,

Ashwagandha may improve fertility and fight COVID-19
Ashwagandha is an important herb to consider using if you are trying to conceive right now.

Phytonutrients and the role they play in health and diet
Have you heard that eating foods with the colors of the rainbow is good for your

Exercise is one of the most important lifestyle changes
When it comes to lifestyle changes to improve overall health we often focus on diet, however,

Is dairy good for health and fertility?
There is a lot of debate as to whether or not dairy is good for fertility
New patients, please contact our clinic to schedule your 20-minute complimentary consultation ($50 value). You’ll have the opportunity to discuss your condition with a licensed acupuncturist without any obligation or cost. Call Revive Acupuncture at 510-438-0128 or click below.